Amadeus Guitar Duo

View Concert Highlights Concerts
26/01/2025 Iserlohn (Goldsaal)
08/02/2025 Iserlohn - 11.30h - Reformierte Kirche
09/02/2025 Stade (Chamber music series)
16/02/2025 Ochtrup (Wasserschloss Haus Wellbergen - 16h und 19h)
22/02/2025 Frechen (Quartet with Goran Krivokapic & Hans-Werner Huppertz)
16/03/2025 Harbourville, NS, Canada (United Tapestry with the Annapolis Guitar Quartet)
21/03/2025 Wolfville, NS, Canada (Manning Chapel with the Annapolis Guitar Quartet)
23/03/2025 Mahone Bay, NS, Canada (with the Annapolis Guitar Quartet)
26/04/2025 Hankensbüttel (Kloster Isenhagen)
27/04/2025 Aachen (18h - Quartet with Goran Krivokapic & Hans-Werner Huppertz)
03/05/2025 Seattle/USA (Dale solo)
04/05/2025 Seattle/USA (Dale solo)
08/05/2025 Iserlohn (Ref. Kirche 15h - Quartet with Goran Krivokapic & Hans-Werner Huppertz)
15/05/2025 Belgrade, Serbia (Int. Guitar Festival)
16/05/2025 Belgrade, Serbia (Int. Guitar Festival)
25/05/2025 Essen (Kreuzer)
13/06/2025 Birstonas, Lithuania (Baltic Festival)
29/07/2025 Iserlohn (33rd guitar festival)
03/08/2025 Haltern (Schloss Sythen - 17h)
05/08/2025 Nürtingen (Guitar Festival)
24/08/2025 Vienna (Guitar Festival) - Dale solo
07/09/2025 Barendorf (18th Draht-Saiten-Akt)
05/10/2025 Rekowo, Poland
15/11/2025 Ricany, Tschechien
19/11/2025 Aalborg/Denmark (Guitar Festival)
25/11/2025 Bramsche (Tuchmachermuseum)
29/11/2025 Palencia, Spain (Guitar Festival)
30/11/2025 Palencia, Spain (Guitar Festival)
06/02/2026 Bonn (Hardtberg-Konzerte)
08/02/2026 Menden (18h - Westflügel der Musikschule)
12/03/2026 Iserlohn (Parktheater - Concierto Andaluz / Aranjuez with orchestra)
22/03/2026 Annapolis Royal, NS, Canada (with the Annapolis Guitar Quartet)
27/03/2026 Antigonish, NS, Canada (with the Annapolis Guitar Quartet)
28/03/2026 Wolfville, NS, Canada (Atlantic Festival Theatre with the Annapolis Guitar Quartet)
29/03/2026 Moncton, NS, Canada (with the Annapolis Guitar Quartet)
29/05/2026 Parma, Italy (Int. Guitar-Festival)
26/07/2026 Iserlohn (34th Int. Guitar-Festival)
06/09/2026 Barendorf (19. Draht-Saiten-Akt)
10/10/2026 Soest (Gitarrentage)

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